Healthy Water For Healthy Skin

Healthy Water For Healthy Skin

Many of us know that having soft water (aka healthy water) flow from our faucets offers a variety of benefits. But do you know how beneficial it could be to the health of your skin? How hard water affects skin health Hard water contains higher-than-ordinary levels of...
Little Children Need Safe Drinking Water, Too

Little Children Need Safe Drinking Water, Too

We all know that adults need to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day. That number is based on a 2,000-calorie diet, activity level, and other factors. The idea is that for every calorie burned, people should drink 1 milliliter of water and there are 2,000...
Better Performance & Savings Achieved with Softened Water

Better Performance & Savings Achieved with Softened Water

Would you like a way to get your clothes and dishes cleaner than you do now using only half as much detergent? Two groundbreaking independent studies show this is possible with softened water. How softened water saves you money The studies were conducted in 2011 by...
Drinking Water vs. Sport Drinks: Which Is Better?

Drinking Water vs. Sport Drinks: Which Is Better?

With September upon us, summer is coming to a close. This will mean cooler nights, and not-so-hot days, after-school activities, and fall sports. Though the weather will begin to change as we head into fall, it is still important we remember to keep our family and...